BAND Boosters Association

The purpose of the Gar-Field High School Band Boosters is to assist the Band Program at Gar-Field High School:
To foster and promote a positive image of the Gar-Filed High School and feeder middle school music students and music program within the school and the community at large.
To cooperatively support the efforts of the Music Director to provide students with a music education that meets the highest possible standards.
Assist the Gar-Field High School and feeder middle school bands in achieving growth in musicianship, in performance opportunities and in the number of students participating at all levels.
To provide moral and financial support and service to the Gar-Field High School Band Program and to the music programs within the feeder middle schools.
To foster an appreciation within the Prince William County Public Schools and the greater Prince William County community for the educational value of strong, comprehensive music programs.
"Directors literally could not do what they do without band parents. First of all, their endorsement means we have credibility in their child's eyes. Then there are the obvious issues of doing physical, as well as financial, work. If the band [music] director had to do each of the jobs of the committee chairperson, he or she wouldn't have any time to do anything else. The truth is, you need all parents to be actively involved in the booster organization because you need their support! This is the main function of the booster organization. Its mission should be to build a family that works together for the good of all."
-Scott Rush (Habits of a Successful Band Director)